
Showing posts from 2013


Porvery is journey a journey to success, the route we use it is narrow, we meet people who discourage us and sometimes we fail. success is important to all of us so whatever is important to you treasure it. And being poor doesn't mean that you will be successful but your hard work will tell.


Before you build a house you start by planning it on how you want it to be, even on success you start by planning you don't just become successful without a plan and when you are busy planning you might face failer but you don't stop planning, you keep planning until the planning its done. PLAN BEFORE YOU HUSTLE. +vukosi mathale


Most of us we are from a dysfunctional families but what I know is that each and every family has it level of dysfunctionality. People start giving up when the situation is tough, no no no Giving up is not a solution but moving ahead is a solution. That difficult situation is a foundation of salvation so start building your success on that foundation, Because there's no mansion/success without foundation. I can send you to successful people some of them they will Tell you that it wasn't easy our situations were difficult and yours is better. You are not alone be brave and move forward. +vukosi mathale


If people around or people from where you come from doesn't want to see you prosper, you know what? fake it to make it and keep your mouth shut before someone steal your dreams. Not all people smile in your face say " we are with you" but they are just pretending just to bring you down and sabotage you, so becareful and FAKE IT TO MAKE IT


We all have some seeds in life , so what matters is all about where you plough your seed. I believe that if you know where you want to be in 5 years, you also know where to plough your seed so go to that place and 'PUT IT ON'  then start living the fruits of that seed... Learn to make your own decisions because people out there are crazy. +vukosi mathale


To build a better society help the needy, because you find people with money helping those who doesnt need their help. My friend dont be stingy God is using you but you refused to be used by God because of individuals 'Heaven'. please help others you will never know one day you might need them"what goes up comes down" and helping someone is not all about wanting something in return, its all about changing the society. Be a HERO +vukosi mathale   WWW.TWITTER.COM/VUKOSIMATHALE


Most of us we are stars, but because of lake of determination we fail to see that we are stars and we are capable of shining. Low self-esteem tells us that the only thing that shine is Gold uuhmm NO I disagree because iam a star I shine. Who are you?   +vukosi mathale


When living the champagne life everything is so cool , you do what you want because you have chased the paper/money now you own it and you spend it like you don't care. That's the stage where you brag with your own money not daddy's money because daddy's money doesn't count, that's the reason I wake up every morning and go to school its is because I wanna live my champagne life. +vukosi mathale   @vukosimathale


To do great things in life is not all about where you come from but is the standards you set for yourself. Beign from a disadvantaged family must not be something that stops to you to be a better person never allow your background to stop you, because that background it is not the one you made it but your parents so take of that barden and start saying " Iam somebody and i will be somebody" Jesse Jackson. What you believe you are is what you will be tommorow so don't be negative because of your background. Just remind yourself that what belongs to your parents it is not yours, work hard so you can get your better background in shape. @vukosimathale


Whatever you do people will talk,and they don't care whether it is good or bad but matters tis that they are talking, so start doing great things so that they keep talking and if they talk because you are doing great things God will bless you and you will be an example to other people....DO IT BIG +vukosi mathale  @vukosimathale


Sometimes people we think they are evil to us, they can change our lives to be in a good hand. Try to make peace with your enemies, try to show them the best, try to love them and appreciate their existence in your life. Once in life someone I hated too much actually made me smile so that's a way of showing they are trying their best in making peace because they cant hate you forever. +vukosi mathale  @vukosimathale


We are all involved in many activities/situations but you must balance them. there are some situations that can ruin your life like "stress" , when you write exam while you are stressing expect too little marks unless you balance by telling your self that "now I'm studying I don't want this stress to be a Bardeen, so stress aside and study ahead" by so doing you will achieve greater marks because you managed to balance your situations. +vukosi mathale  @vukosimathale


 The city where the strong die and the weak survive. The meaning of this phrase is that people who think that they are clever  and they know everything, they end up with nothing but the weak who pretend to be stupid, usually they survive all the temptations that they are in the city eg drugs and prostitution. @vukosimathale


Not all people are your people, they might be close and smile to you but not all of them are your people. When you are around them you will think that they love but once you are milles away from them that's when you will see your people. mostly we assume that some people loves us while they don't but they are capable of hurting us...Know your own people. @vukosimathale


In life there's past present and future, that's how we live. Don't let the present ruin your future because most of us we do things which we are not supposed to do now. Never allow someone to drive your life this is your life control it, if you don't people will make stupid decisions for you then start to regret in the future stage and remember you will be alone by that time. @vukosimathale


There are many things we want in life and most of them needs patience, those things we want  we want them on our own time  forgetting that Gods time is the best . For you to have patience you must have faith of knowing that you will get what you want on Gods time. @Vukosimathale


Just because you dont have what you want now that doesnt mean it is not there, for you to have that thing you want ,you must have faith and change your seed and make sure u plough it in the right area... @vukosimathale